Thursday 21 March 2013

Growth Process of Human

        Body size, height and weight of human will be change when human is in the process of growth. When human is growing up, body size of human will become bigger, height and weight will increase.

Height of human increase when human in the process of growth

 The changes of growing from baby to adult

Questions and Answers


1.  What will be change when human is in the process of growth?

2.  Is it height and weight of human will increase when human is growing up?


1.  Body size, height and weight of human
will be change when human is in the process of growth.

2.  Yes, height and weight of human will increase when human is growing up.

Friday 15 March 2013

Types of Food

      Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients.

1.  Foods that supply energy to body






2.  Foods that help body to grow





3.  Foods that maintain body health



Questions and Answers:


1.  What are the foods that help body to grow?

2.  What are the foods that supply energy to body?

3.  We eat vegetables and fruits to ______________________ .


1.  The foods that help body to grow are eggs, milk, chicken and fish.

2.  The foods that supply energy to body are bread, rice, noodles and potatoes.

3.  We eat vegetables and fruits to maintain body health.


Sunday 10 March 2013

Basic Needs of Human

       The basic needs of human are air, water, food and  shelter.  Air, water, food and  shelter are very important for human to stay alive


1.  Human need air to breathe.



1.  Human need water to control body temperature and stay healthy, replace water that is lost during breathing, sweating and urination.



1.  Human need food to gain energy and  grow. 
2.  A balanced diet helps us to stay healthy.


1.  Human need shelter to protect themselves from danger and bad weather like hot, cold, rain and storms.

Questions and Answers

1.  What are the basic needs of human?

2.  Why human need to eat food? 

3.  Is that water important for human? Why?


1.  The basic needs of human are air, water, food and  shelter.

2.  Human need food to gain energy and grow.

3.  Yes, water is important for human because
water can help human to control body temperature and stay healthy. Besides, human need water to replace water that is lost during breathing, sweating and urination.